We are so happy to share with you a picture of when Skepta came to pay a visit to our awesome shop in Beak Street just the other day.
Skepta's music is Genius and we play it lots in the shop. Too Many Men was such a big hit in '09 and when we hear the song it reminds us of the all the good time we've had.
More recently he a Smashed it with his song Rescue Me and now we heard that he worked with our Friends N-Dubz on a NEW song to take over the charts here is their video SO ALIVE check out Dappy he is actually singing about his Funky Bling Chain..... the tune is addictive and the video is very dark.
All Hail the New breed of superstars emerging from the U.K These guys are so talented and really represent the youth of today.
They 've tapped into this energy that is bubbling under the surface and is ready explode.
They deserve all the success that they have.
Enjoy the video and also have a look at what SKEPTA TWEETED about his visit to YEAR ZERO LONDON.